Perspective drawing living concept layout for dwell landed house

Been a while I never post any of my design drawing here, I’ve been busy with my hobby ( photography ). Taking more courses and seminar on how to take a good picture. From the course I learn thing which help me with my interior design though. Over here are some interior drawing and a layout i planned for my client. It is a A & A for a 2 storey dwell landed house. What i did is i extended 11ft backward which allow me to add a new utility room for the guest and a storeroom beside the staircase to second level and a bigger kitchen and more light to come in.I added a temper glass door to the kitchen as to bring in more light . The owner do not like the idea of an open concept kitchen and that was my initial plan for the house. As an interior designer we must understand what the client need apart from what is my favorite design and what i like to design. The fundamental of being an interior designer is to cater and design for the client’s need and end of the day, they are the people going to live there for many more years.

interior design perspective drawind dwell landed house living  layout (2)

interior design perspective drawind dwell landed house living  layout

interior design perspective drawind dwell landed house living  layout (3)