Multimedia Upholstered Sofa with an Integrated Computer

This modern upholstered sofa is a hybrid model of electronic entertainment and comfortable sofa. Athena is a multimedia upholstered sofa that features an integrated computer into it’s cool design. It includes an integrated computer, an iPod/iPhone dock, MP3 player with a wireless connection over the 2.4 Ghz radio signal, an 8 inch subwoofer and series of loudspeakers. I’m pretty sure that most of you don’t want a piece of furniture so sopistichated like this, but for those of you who want it the luxury though comes for an eye-popping price of approx. $15,436, which seems like a bit over the top in these hard times.

multimedia sofa computer hybrid design2 Multimedia Upholstered  Sofa with an Integrated Computer ultra modern sofa smart technology1 Multimedia Upholstered Sofa  with an Integrated Computer