On the One Hand: Clever Single-Handed Kitchware Design

one handed kitchen tool
While this all-in-one kitchen prep tool is a helpful innovation for folks with a fracture, partial paralysis other other disability it is also a brilliant multipurpose kitchenware design for anyone who has ever tried preparing and cooking food while on the phone or using both hands for different tasks at the same time.
one hand kitchen design
Something as seemingly simple as slicing and buttering bread can be difficult with nothing to hold the loaf or pieces in place, hence the traps and corners built in to make these everyday processes easy even single-handed.
one handed gadgets
Likewise, slicing fruits and vegetables, peeling eggs, opening containers or grating cheese are tasks we perform without thinking twice - at least so long as we have two functional hands to use.
one handed design
Each wood highlight on the base white design of this all-purpose kitchen tool is itself a movable part of the whole, something that slides side to side (again: this can be done with just one hand) in order to facilitate the various multifunctional formations required to do each of the jobs described above and more. Design by Gabriele Meldaikyte.