Culinary Computerization: Cool Kitchen Computer Design

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The Smartchef consists of a bamboo cutting board, an integrated food scanner/analyzer and a portable touch-screen tablet computer that can accompany the chef all around the house, not just in the kitchen. The food scanner, along with the unique software, would make it possible for the cook to get nutritional information about the food they're cooking as well as warnings about foods that could be hazardous to his or her diet.

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Smartchef allows you to not only retrieve recipes with the touch of a finger; it also allows you to upload your own recipes and pictures. When you input your menu, the device recommends side dishes and compiles a shopping list. After you place the raw ingredients on the food sensor, the system can analyze them for factors like freshness, chemical content and nutritional content. smart chef 4
While the concept is amazing and exciting, there are a lot of tweaks and twists that would have to take place before the Smartchef could go into production and be used regularly in homes. The hardware would have to be hearty enough to stand up to the mess, heat and humidity in the average kitchen. The food sensor would require some very sophisticated elements that may not be affordable for the regular person just yet. But with all of the advances in kitchen technology in recent years, we're pretty likely to see something just like the Smartchef show up in our favorite kitchen supply stores within the next 10 years.